CarVaTech USA provides professional management services to a Land Trust in support of their conservation easement program and overall business and operations management. The below information
describes some of the positions and tasks our professional employees hold and conduct.
Program Manager Task
- Conduct GAP Analysis on processes to ensure compliance with LTA standards.
- Maintain GIS database and other conservation databases.
- Provide IT support to include training for Google Drive file storage, biweekly backups of all electronic files, website design and maintenance to include domain
name, email configuration and computer/printer set-up and operation as needed.
- Conduct preliminary land inspection on new easements.
- Assist with Grant proposals.
- Management and supervision of Project Managers and Conservation Specialists.
- Meet with landowners to develop detailed easement and project costs, restrictions, and processes. Involves easement and restriction negotiation and
- Conducts and/or reviews due diligence activities and reports.
- Oversee and evaluate real estate appraisals.
- Assist with reviewing financials and making financial recommendations
Project Manager Task
- Provide bookkeeping and record keeping support (both hard copy and electronic).
- Provide budgeting and financial support of the organization to include balancing account, invoicing, paying bills, tax preparation, etc.
- Schedule meetings and events for Board members to include minutes, updates, training.
- Provide project management of easement projects consistent with policies and goals, to include pre-closing activities, closing, recording, Protected Property
Database update, and stewardship activities.
- Identify and seek funding sources, to include applying for grants and executing fundraising events.
- Monitor and pay dues and subscriptions for membership organizations and conservation depositories.
- Coordinate and document youth, American Heroes, and wounded warriors that visit leased land for all outdoor recreation activities.
- Keep webpage updated with new information, statistics, and promotional items.
- Document all accounts, passwords, and processes.
- Help create and update promotional materials for landowners, conferences, and other partners to include pamphlets, business cards, brochures, shirts,
- Conduct partner and landowner outreach and communication through phone calls, letters, social media and answer all questions and keep everyone abreast of policies,
monitoring, and news.
- Oversee monitoring, stewardship documentation, and enforcement as part of overall stewardship program.
- Help build collaborative partnerships with landowners, gov’t agencies (local, state, and federal), companies, military, and other likeminded
- Purchase supplies and materials as needed or requested by the organization
Conservation Specialist I & II Task
- Conduct monitoring activities at easement properties to confirm landowner compliance with recorded easement.
- Record monitoring activities and coordinate with Project Manager.
- Conduct field activities that promote goals of youth and veteran recreation opportunities as well as land management goals. These field activities must be
conducted in a safe manner and follow guidelines.
- Assist Project Manager with administrative duties.
- Assist Project Manager with promotion and outreach activities.